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Title: Mesto i uloga javnosti u procesu medijskog izveštavanja o evropeizaciji i potreba njenog medijskog opismenjavanja
Other Titles: The place and the role of the public in the media reporting on europeization and the need for its media education
Authors: Donev, Dejan 
Keywords: public, europeization, media reporting, media education, media literacy
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad
Source: Donev D. Mesto i uloga javnosti u procesu medijskog izveštavanja o evropeizaciji i potreba njenog medijskog opismenjavanja. Zbornik "Medijska istraživanja - Zbornik radova V: Digitalne medijske tehnologije i društveno-obrazovne promene 3". Filozofski fakultet. Novi Sad, 2013: 61-69
Conference: "Mostovi medijskog obrazovanja". Peta međunarodna naučna konferencija, Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad, 4. i 5. oktobra 2013.
Abstract: In the process of education, upbringing and socialization, in terms of moral matrix and ethical roadmap, the media today also play a major role, beside the family and the school. Because of that we have to learn how to use the media and how to interpret their messages. In this sense, in a world of ubiquitous and influential images, sounds and texts, media education as a sub-discipline of media pedagogy, aims to impart knowledge and skills for usage and interpretation of these media and media messages in everyday life, i.e. so media literacy can be developed. In Macedonia, it is too obvious that the media literacy of the public, especially of the young people, is more than necessary, especially if we take into account the results from our research “Europe – here and there: Analysis of discourse in the media about Europeanization of the Western Balkans “, where from 170 articles and 1 comment, the emphasis in all analyzed media is on foreign actors, while the public in Macedonia, by itself (sublimation of NGO’s and civil society organizations, public figures, citizens, as well as media) with its position and statement is present in 13 items, i.e. with poor coverage of 8% as subject, while as object it is represented in even poor coverage. Justification of the necessity of media education of the public comes from the key issue in terms of public participation in the process of media coverage about Europeanization: is it only about selective transmission of information or just about indifference of public to get involve in this process?
Description: Digitalne medijske tehnologije i društveno-obrazovne promene III peti je zbornik radova u ediciji Medijska istraživanja Odseka za medijske studije Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Radovi u Zborniku predstavljeni su na Petoj međunarodnoj naučnoj konferenciji Mostovi medijskog obrazovanja odžanoj na Filozofskom fakultetu u Novom Sadu 4. i 5. oktobra 2013. Na konferenciji su učestvovali nastavnici, saradnici i studenti visokoškolskih ustanova, kao i studenti doktorskih i master studija iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Češke, Hrvatske, Makedonije, Slovačke i Srbije.
ISBN: 978-86-6065-203-6
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 05: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции

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