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dc.contributor.authorDonev, Dejanen_US
dc.identifier.citationDonev D. Pitanje univerzalne odgovornosti i religijskog morala kao mogući faktori mira. Zbornik "Religija, odgovornost i tranziciona pravda", Centar za istraživanje religije, politike i društva, Novi Sad & Hrišćanski kulturni centar dr Radovan Bigović, Beograd. Novi Sad & Beograd, 2014: 45-57en_US
dc.description.abstractEach our act have also personal and universal dimensions. Therefore the ethical discipline, and also for the religion, careful judgment and positive concrete behavior are conditions for a happy and fulfilling life. Nowadays, a case of one side of the world can have a direct or indirect consequences across the globe. Therefore we need a universal responsibility in which a big active part have the religious moral and responsibility, especially in efforts to establish a lasting peace, as our particular work activity, endeavor. An example of this through which the author attempts to illustrate the previous noted thesis are the religious gatherings in Assisi.en_US
dc.publisherCentar za istraživanje religije, politike i društva, Novi Sad & Hrišćanski kulturni centar dr Radovan Bigović, Beograden_US
dc.relationZbornik je objavljen u okviru edukacionog programa Uloga Religije u pomirenju i Tranzicionoj pravdi, pod pokriviteljstvom Nacionalne zadužbine za demokratiju – NEDen_US
dc.subjectResponsibility, religious ethics, peace & reconciliationen_US
dc.titlePitanje univerzalne odgovornosti i religijskog morala kao mogući faktori miraen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe question of universal responsibility and religious moral as a possible peace agenten_US
dc.typeProceeding articleen_US
dc.relation.conferenceReligion, Responsibility, Reconciliation and Transitional Justice. Centre for the Study of Religion, Politics and Society, Novi Sad, Serbia with Evangelical Theological Faculty, Osijek, Croatia and Christian Cultural Centre - dr Radovan Bigović, Belgrade, Serbia with support of National Endowment for Democracy . Osijek, Croatia, June 20-21, 2014, Evangelical Theological Facultyen_US
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
item.grantfulltextopen- of Philosophy-
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 05: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции
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