Browsing by Author Elena Popovska

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewTitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Manufacturing plant for modular housing, Kocovski E, Popovska E, Kolev Lj, Popovski D.pdf.jpgManufacturing plant for modular housingEmil Kocovski; Elena Popovska; Kolev Ljupce; Denis PopovskiOct-2017Proceedings
Parking on floor with irregular plan, Popovska E, Popovski D, Damjanovski V.pdf.jpgParking on floor with irregular planElena Popovska; Denis Popovski; Vladimir DamjanovskiOct-2019Proceedings
Stifeness comparison of unstiffened and stiffened T-joints of hollow sectionsElena Popovska; Mile Partikov; Denis PopovskiApr-2022Proceeding article
Stiffness comparison of unstiffened and stiffened T-joints of hollow sectionsElena Popovska; Mile Partikov; Denis PopovskiDec-2021Article