Browsing by Author Basheska, Neli

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 129  next >
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Adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with stage IIIA endometrial carcinoma with solitary adnexal involvementPetreska, Bojana ; Veljanoska, Slavica; Basheska, Neli ; Klisarovska, Violeta ; Chakalaroski, Petar ; Atanasovska Kolevska, VesnaSep-2016Proceeding article
Androgen insensitivity (testicular feminization) syndrome and XY gonadal dysgenesis (Swyer syndrome)Basheska, Neli 2018Proceeding article
Androgen Secreting Steroid Cell Tumor of the Ovary Represented with Postmenopasal Bleeding and Extensive HirsutismGeorgievska, Jadranka ; Antovska, Vesna ; Basheska, Neli ; Aleksioska, Natasha 15-Dec-2013Article
Apocrine carcinoma in situ with microinvasion – A case reportOgnenoska-Jankovska, Biljana; Qerimi, Adelina; Stojkoska, Elena; Basheska, Neli Sep-2016Proceeding article
Assessment of discordance of immunohistochemistry and in SITU hybridization HER2 testing results in breast cancer specimens: A regional slide-exchange ring studyBasheska, Neli ; Latinovic-Tadic, Liljana; Amidzic, Ljiljana; Jovanic, Irina; Milovanovic, Zorka; Petrushevska, Gordana ; Ivkovic-Kapicl, Tatjana; Usaj-Knezevic, Slavica16-Sep-2016Proceeding article
Association Between Bacterial Vaginosis and Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions of the Uterine CervixDabeski, Drage ; Danilovski, Dragan ; Antovska, Vesna ; Basheska, Neli ; Stojovski, Marjan ; Popovska, Zora; Buklioska, Adriana; Avramovska, Maja1-Jan-2016Article
Association between Her2/neu expression and hormon receptor status in breast cancer patients.Yashar, Genghis; Basheska, Neli ; Kraleva, Slavica; Vasev, Nikola; Ivkovski, Ljube; Prodanova, Irina; Kubelka, Katerina; Smichkoska, Snezhana ; Zografski, GeorgeJun-2002Proceeding article
Atypical polypoid adenomyoma of the uterus. A report of eleven cases.Kubelka-Sabit, Katerina; Prodanova, Irina; Zografski, George; Basheska, Neli May-2008Proceeding article
Atypical polypoid adenomyoma of the uterus: A clinicopathological analysis of 28 casesBasheska, Neli ; Ognenoska-Jankovska, BiljanaSep-2015Proceeding article
Atypical polypoid adenomyoma with coexistent well-differentiated endometroid adenocarcinomaBasheska, Neli Sep-2016Proceeding article
Axillary lymph node metastases in early (pT1) breast carcinomas: Most of the common prognostic factors lack predictive value.Yashar, Genghis; Basheska, Neli ; Ivkovski, Ljube; Zografski, GeorgeSep-2003Proceeding article
Benefit and safety of 28-day transdermal estrogen regimen during vaginal hysterectomy (a controlled trial)Antovska, Vesna ; Basheska, Neli 20-Feb-2006Article
Benign and malignant pigmented lesions of the female genital tract (FGT). Report of 15 cases.Kubelka, Katerina; Basheska, Neli ; Yashar, Genghis; Prodanova, Irina; Ivkovski, Ljube; Zografski, GeorgeSep-2001Proceeding article
Benign granular cell tumor of the uterine corpus: A case reportBasheska, Neli ; Krstevska, Iskra; Ognenoska-Jankovska, BiljanaOct-2018Proceeding article
Blood vessel invasion and inflammatory stromal reaction at the invasion front as additional significant prognostic factors in surgically treated patients with cervical carcinoma.Basheska, Neli ; Yashar, Genghis; Veljanoska, Slavica; Kubelka, Katerina; Prodanova, Irina; Zografski, George; Stavrik, GeorgeSep-2001Proceeding article
Capecitabine as Second and Third-line Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Platinum-refractory Epithelial Ovarian CancerVeljanoska, Slavica; Klisarovska, Violeta ; Arsovski, Oliver; Basheska, Neli ; Stojkovski, Igor ; Simonova, DanielaSep-2011Proceeding article
Carbon dioxide laser vaporization in the treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) of grade I and IIDimitrov, Goran ; Panov, Sasho ; Stojanovska, Valentina; Milenkova, Snezhana; Basheska, Neli 2004Article
Case report of insular carcinoid arising from mature cystic teratoma.Antovska, Vesna ; Sejfullai, Siandra; Sozovska Belchovska, Eva; Basheska, Neli ; Shabani, Nezhla; Dabeski, Drage Dec-2022Article
Clinicopathological analysis of incidentally detected blue nevi of the uterine cervix in biopsy and curettage specimens. A report of 7 cases.Basheska, Neli ; Ognenoska-Jankovska, BiljanaSep-2019Proceeding article
Clinicopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of 23 cases of ovarian cellular fibromaBasheska, Neli ; Ognenoska-Jankovska, BiljanaSep-2013Proceeding article